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Generate response data


generate_response_data(df_layout, noise_level = 0.1)



data.table that should contains the cell line, drug, concentration, and replicate columns along with the annotations that needs to be propagated


numeric scalar with the level of noise added to the data


data.table with response data


cell_lines <- create_synthetic_cell_lines()
drugs <- create_synthetic_drugs()
df_layout <- prepareData(cell_lines[seq_len(2), ], drugs[seq_len(4), ])
#>      Barcode    clid CellLineName   Tissue ReferenceDivisionTime Gnumber
#>       <char>  <char>       <char>   <char>                 <num>  <char>
#>   1: plate_1 CL00010  cellline_AA tissue_x                    22 vehicle
#>   2: plate_1 CL00011  cellline_BA tissue_x                    26 vehicle
#>   3: plate_1 CL00010  cellline_AA tissue_x                    22 vehicle
#>   4: plate_1 CL00011  cellline_BA tissue_x                    26 vehicle
#>   5: plate_1 CL00010  cellline_AA tissue_x                    22 vehicle
#>  ---                                                                    
#> 260: plate_3 CL00011  cellline_BA tissue_x                    26  G00002
#> 261: plate_3 CL00010  cellline_AA tissue_x                    22  G00003
#> 262: plate_3 CL00011  cellline_BA tissue_x                    26  G00003
#> 263: plate_3 CL00010  cellline_AA tissue_x                    22  G00004
#> 264: plate_3 CL00011  cellline_BA tissue_x                    26  G00004
#>      DrugName drug_moa Concentration ReadoutValue BackgroundValue Duration
#>        <char>   <char>         <num>        <num>           <num>    <num>
#>   1:  vehicle  vehicle             0        101.2               0       72
#>   2:  vehicle  vehicle             0         96.2               0       72
#>   3:  vehicle  vehicle             0         99.6               0       72
#>   4:  vehicle  vehicle             0         97.6               0       72
#>   5:  vehicle  vehicle             0        101.6               0       72
#>  ---                                                                      
#> 260: drug_002    moa_A            10         75.9               0       72
#> 261: drug_003    moa_A            10         81.3               0       72
#> 262: drug_003    moa_A            10         73.7               0       72
#> 263: drug_004    moa_A            10         68.9               0       72
#> 264: drug_004    moa_A            10         71.1               0       72