get exception data
#> status_code title
#> <char> <char>
#> 1: 1 Error loading manifest
#> sprintf_text
#> <char>
#> 1: There were errors loading manifest. Check error message below:\n```\n%s\n```
#> type input_type
#> <char> <char>
#> 1: error manifest
#> status_code title
#> <char> <char>
#> 1: 1 Error loading manifest
#> 2: 2 Manifest not found
#> 3: 3 Error loading treatment
#> 4: 4 Warning loading treatment
#> 5: 5 Error loading treatment
#> 6: 6 Missing data for some Barcode, Plate
#> 7: 7 Missing data for some Barcode, Plate
#> 8: 8 Error loading raw data
#> 9: 9 Error loading raw data
#> 10: 10 Error during merging data
#> 11: 11 Missing treatment files
#> 12: 12 Error reading Manifest
#> 13: 13 Manifest file format
#> 14: 14 Manifest barcodes
#> 15: 15 Treatment controls
#> 16: 16 Instrument type
#> 17: 17 Treatment sheet name
#> 18: 18 Treatment entry name
#> 19: 19 Error loading treatment
#> 20: 20 Error loading specific treatment
#> 21: 21 Error reading specific raw data
#> 22: 22 Error reading sheet in the raw data file
#> 23: 23 Error with readout values in plates
#> 24: 24 Error with treatment headers
#> 25: 25 Error with treatment file sheets
#> 26: 26 Metadata special characters
#> 27: 27 Metadata invalid
#> 28: 28 Raw Data delimiter
#> 29: 29 Raw Data EnVision
#> 30: 30 Raw Data Plate size
#> 31: 31 Raw Data structure
#> 32: 32 Treatment File Gnumber and Concentration
#> 33: 33 Error loading input files
#> 34: 34 Missing drug annotation
#> 35: 35 Missing cell line annotation
#> 36: 36 Invalid averaged data
#> status_code title
#> sprintf_text
#> <char>
#> 1: There were errors loading manifest. Check error message below:\n```\n%s\n```
#> 2: Please load manifest!
#> 3: Some of the treatment files entered in the manifest have not been uploaded:\n%s\nPlease check the uploaded files and their name (including extension)
#> 4: Some uploaded files (**%s**) are not used
#> 5: There were errors when loading the treatments. Check error message below:\n```\n%s\n```
#> 6: Some plates (**%s**) found in the manifest are not reported in the data files and will be discarded
#> 7: Some plates (**%s**) found in the data files are not reported in the manifest and will be discarded
#> 8: Txt file in an unsupported format. Please check if the file uses tab(\t) as separator
#> 9: There were errors when loading raw data. Check error message below:\n```\n%s\n```
#> 10: There were errors when merging data. Check error message below:\n```\n%s\n```
#> 11: Some treatment files are missing: %s
#> 12: There were errors reading the manifest file. Check error message below:\n```\n%s\n```
#> 13: %s file format is not supported. Please convert your file to one of the following: %s
#> 14: Barcodes in Manifest must be unique!
#> 15: No untreated controls were found in the treatment. Please upload the appropriate treatment.
#> 16: Unrecognized instrument type
#> 17: In untreated treatment file %s, sheet name must be %s
#> 18: In untreated treatment file %s, entries must be %s
#> 19: There were errors loading the treatment. Check error message below:\n```\n%s\n```
#> 20: There were errors loading treatment %s. Check error message below: \n%s
#> 21: Error reading %s
#> 22: Error reading %s, sheet %s
#> 23: In result file %s (sheet %s) readout values are misplaced for plate %s
#> 24: Treatment does not contain all expected headers for a '%s'. '%s' is/are required. Please correct your treatment or change the identifiers.
#> 25: Treatment file %s does not contain %s sheets. Please correct your treatment.
#> 26: Metadata field names for %s cannot contain special characters or start with a number: %s
#> 27: Metadata field name: %s in %s is not valid (reserved for output)
#> 28: Can't guess separator for the delimited files: %s
#> 29: Error reading %s: not an original EnVision .csv file
#> 30: Error reading %s: wrong plate size
#> 31: In result file %s (sheet %s) readout values are misplaced for plate %s.
#> 32: Treatment file(s) %s do/does not contain the same number of Gnumber_* and Concentration_* sheets. Gnumber_* and Concentration_* sheets are required. Please correct your treatment.
#> 33: Some input files are missing. Please upload only files with names starting with Manifest_*, Treatment_* and RawData_*
#> 34: The following drugs IDs are missing: '%s'. <br>Don't worry, drug names will be used for them.
#> 35: The following cell line IDs are missing: '%s'. <br>Don't worry, cell line names will be used for them.
#> 36: Averaged dose-response data for the selected cell line and drug: '%s' can be considered invalid. Please check your data in the module 'Manage Data' or contact gdrplatform team via ''.
#> sprintf_text
#> type input_type
#> <char> <char>
#> 1: error manifest
#> 2: error manifest
#> 3: error treatment
#> 4: warning treatment
#> 5: error treatment
#> 6: warning manifest
#> 7: warning manifest
#> 8: error raw data
#> 9: error raw data
#> 10: error merging data
#> 11: error treatment
#> 12: error manifest
#> 13: error manifest
#> 14: error manifest
#> 15: error treatment
#> 16: error raw data
#> 17: error treatment
#> 18: error treatment
#> 19: error treatment
#> 20: error treatment
#> 21: error raw data
#> 22: error raw data
#> 23: error raw data
#> 24: error treatment
#> 25: error treatment
#> 26: error metadata
#> 27: error metadata
#> 28: error raw data
#> 29: error raw data
#> 30: error raw data
#> 31: error raw data
#> 32: error treatment
#> 33: error input files
#> 34: warning submit tab
#> 35: warning submit tab
#> 36: error assay data
#> type input_type